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The Great Power of Something

Before It Becomes Forever What It Will Be

By Nechama Hordiner

It starts as an innocent little tickle

causes tiny twitches

Like the faint memory of a face

You can’t quite place.

If only it would remain so kind


It spirals into a sort of blind

Stinging sensation somewhere

between your nose

and your third eye.

Suddenly you are grasping around, gulping air, begging for relief.

The total sum of your being dangles at the edge of oblivion.

As if your soul might just blip out of existence or get sucked back

Into the great nothingness from which it came.

The final blow.

The great geyser,

an explosion of light

And infinite


A sneeze,

Is a lot like the creation of an idea,

born from a powerful question.

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